Chapter Advisers

Chapter Advisers

It has been proven over and over again that a successful chapter has a proactive chapter adviser and Chapter Advisory Board. The Adviser is a teacher, a friend and a role model with a thorough understanding of the ideals and practices of Theta Chi. While a chapter’s membership turns over every 3-4 years, the chapter adviser provides longer term consistency for the group. The chapter adviser’s sole purpose is the success of the collegiate chapter.

Adviser Resources

Thanks to Theta Chi’s partnership with OmegaFi, all alumni resources are now available online via myThetaChi. To access these resources, or to create a new account, click on myThetaChi on the upper right hand part of the screen.

Chapter Advisory Board (CAB): A CAB is a group of mentors (usually 3 or more) that provide guidance to the chapter officers on operational functions of a fraternity. Examples include: Setting recruitment goals, helping with officer transition (year to year changes in officers), chapter academics, and conduct issues. They are separated from the business side of the chapter so that the students trust them and feel comfortable discussing the issues they face. CABs may contain non-members (non-Greek individuals, men of other fraternities or women).

Click here to update your Chapter Adviser and/or CAB

Interested in serving as an adviser? Contact the International Headquarters at or by calling 317-848-1856.