
Published: April 10, 2023

Special Founders Day Message from the International President
Happy Founders Day! I hope you hear those words throughout the day – not just from our Fraternity’s social media and outreach – but also from the brothers you went to school with (or are currently going to school with).

We should be proud of Theta Chi’s 167 years of existence. How many other organizations do you belong to that have been around this long? Few employers have that sort of longevity. Many universities were created as a result of the Morrill Land Grant College Act of 1862 – close, but Theta Chi is still older – and I think that’s noteworthy. It means Theta Chi is doing something worthwhile and relevant for our members.

We should take pride in what Theta Chi provides our collegiate members. Not only a place to call home while at college, but also a setting that allows them to run something. By doing so, they learn many important skills: how to get along with others, how to plan, how to organize and motivate people, how to budget, how to communicate. No other type of organization on campus does a better job equipping our men with skills that will serve them so well throughout their lives.

Lastly, I can’t overlook the fact that Theta Chi provides the opportunity to make lifelong friends – it inspires true friendship. As I reflect on the best people in my life, I can’t help but be struck by how many of them I met because of Theta Chi. Men of substance and character have always guided this organization, and I am proud to call these people my friends and brothers.

Be proud of Theta Chi and Happy Founders Day!

Creig Andreasen
International President