
Published: July 4, 2015

Today in 1776, the United States declared itself independent from Great Britain. By enacting the Declaration of Independence, an echo of defiance was sent across the world.  The vote for independence was made two days prior, on July 2nd, during a meeting of the Continental Congress with the final revisions being concluded on July 4th.  Most historians, however, believe that the famed signatures, were not made until August 2nd, 1776.  Complete succession from Great Britain started years before as a radical idea, undesirable to most, yet support continued to grow.  Taxes were being imposed on the colonies as a result of the French and Indian War. Discord spread amongst the colonists as a result.  Events like the Boston Massacre, sparked uproar throughout the colonies, leading to a secret society taking action.

The Sons of Liberty were formed in response to the British taxation. Much like The Regulators from Norwich University, the Sons of Liberty called for justice to answer the pervasive actions of the British.  As turmoil and anger continued to stifle the colonies, the Sons of Liberty expanded from their Boston roots, with chapters appearing in New York, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Connecticut.  Members included the famous and infamous; Paul Revere, John Adams, Samuel Adams, Jon Hancock and prior to his betrayal, Benedict Arnold.  The Sons were behind many of the early rebellions, including the Gaspee Affair and the Boston Tea Party.  Inevitably, when the war formally began, the society became more of an ideology for the colonists, growing into a nationwide liberation.

One can find solace inthe legacy left by Sons of Liberty.  By standing firm in what they knew was right, an entire country was inspired to take action.  Presently, fraternity men are facing extraordinary challenges, mirrored by unprecedented opportunites to spark significant change. Greek organizations, though typically a minority on campus, are capable of doing the extraordinary, and many showcase it on a regular basis.  Unfortunately, these feats tend to be overshadowed by negativity.  For Theta Chi, we refuse to allow this lackluster perception of greeks to effect our mission, and the causes we support, especially the USO. With close to $200,000 raised since our partnership was announced in 2013, Theta Chi has shown, through action, a dedication to the USO and to the Unites States of America. Today, we remember the sacrifices that were made and continue to be made for our country every day.  On this Independence Day, let us reaffirm what it means to be a man of Theta Chi, but more importantly what it means to be an American.  God bless the United States of America.