
Published: June 17, 2015

The Brothers of Xi Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity at the University of Virginia have requested that we share the following letter regarding the passing of their President, Quent Alcorn.

Please take the time to read their message below and share with other Theta Chi members. You can download a PDF version of the letter by clicking here.

Dear Brothers, 

It is with a heavy heart that we write to you regarding the loss of one of our brothers, Quentin “Quent” Alcorn. Quent was both an accomplished scholar and athlete: a Virginia State Wrestling Champion, a Chemical Engineering student at the University of Virginia, and President of the Xi Chapter of Theta Chi. These titles and accolades, however, do not even begin to describe the kind of person that Quent was. He exemplified the qualities of a leader. Quent was brilliant, honest, and selfless.  He was a genuine friend, a devoted brother, and the best son a mother or father could ask for.

To commemorate his life, we are announcing the creation of the Quentin Alcorn Memorial Scholarship, a scholarship that will be awarded to a member of the University of Virginia Greek Community who best embodies the characteristics that made Quent the man we all admired: dedication, selfless service, love of learning, his ability to impact every life he touched, and his capacity for fun and humor. The purpose of this scholarship is to not only solidify Quent’s legacy, but also to promote those Greek members who have made a positive impact on the community. To donate, click here. Checks can also be made payable to:

UVa Fund – Quentin Alcorn Memorial Fund

P.O. Box 400314

Charlottesville, VA 22904-4314

For questions regarding the Scholarship, please contact Miles Kirwin at (914) 462-9890; or William Everett at (703) 517-3706;

We also invite you to join us in a celebration of Quent’s life at the Theta Chi House on Saturday, June 20th at 2:00 PM. The address is 600 Preston Place, Charlottesville, VA, 22903. The remembrance will offer a forum for friends and family of Quent to come together in support of each other and offer stories on how he impacted our lives. The event will feature light refreshments and hors-d'oeuvres with speeches starting around 3:00 PM. Dress code is casual.

Quent was a shining example of the positive impact Greek members can have on the community.  We hope you will join us in honoring his legacy.


The Brothers of the Xi Chapter of Theta Chi

600 Preston Place
Charlottesville, VA 22903