
Published: March 4, 2013

On Friday, March 1, 2013, Theta Chi held a colonization ceremony at the Northern Kentucky University Student Union Ballroom for 19 new pledges. Counselor Darick Brown served as presiding officer and was joined by Director of Recruitment and Expansion JD Ford, Director of Member Services Joel Wendland, and Leadership and Education Consultants Jeffrey Draluck, Kyle Griffis, and Alex Nunchuck.

When the Interfraternity Council at NKU invited Theta Chi to come to campus, there was no hesitation. Leadership and Education Consultant (LEC) Jeffrey Draluck was soon on the scene and talking to students. With the help of LEC Kyle Griffis, an interest group quickly formed.

“We’re filling in a niche on this campus that it didn’t previously have,” Draluck said. “The best thing about us is that everyone is involved in a lot of different things on campus.”

Located in Highland Heights, KY, Northern Kentucky University was founded in 1948 as an extension center for the University of Kentucky. It became its own college in 1968 as Northern Kentucky State College, and was renamed Northern Kentucky University in 1976 after an expansion.

Today the university has a student population of 16,000, and is home to four fraternities and five sororities.