Editor’s Note: The following profile appeared on Ohio Northern University Art & Design and is reprinted with permission from Joy Brown.

Ohio Northern University Art & Design Prof. Brit Rowe (Zeta Kappa/Ohio Northern 1993) has been selected to speak at the Ohio Arts Council’s Arts Impact Ohio Conference. The conference takes place May 15–16 in Toledo, Ohio.
His Pecha Kucha presentation, “Grafik Justice: Design for Protest,” discusses how designers explored making impactful messages through typography and/or graphics for an event called Grafik Justice. It was a powerful, community-based design project that incorporated actual testimonies from the Black community and used digital projections created by student designers and artists.
He served as an external program consultant, a peer reviewer for conferences, a juror for various competitions, and was included in Creative for a Cause, a social responsibility resource for design educators. His current research interests include design as scholarship for community improvement and engagement, and scholarship for a more inclusive historical survey of graphic design. While on sabbatical in 2021, Prof. Rowe’s research project investigated the incomplete historic survey of design work created by Black graphic designers.
Read more about Brit’s newest accolades here.